Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments

The Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments promotes the development and validation of replacement alternatives to animal experiments. Since 1971 we award grants for research projects aiming to develop new methods to replace animal use in research, education, testing, production of biological substances, diagnostics and other use of animals for scientific purposes. Grants are awarded annually to research, validation and information projects.

Latest news

The call for applications for research grants for new projects for 2024 is open May 17 to June 30 2023. We allow applications written in English, but information and instructions are in Swedish only. Please note that grants are almost exclusively awarded to projects in Sweden and/or international projects including a Swedish partner or with a clear relevance for research/testing/education/training in Sweden.  More information (in Swedish) here »

About us

The Swedish Fund for Research without Animal Experiments was created in 1964 by the Swedish Society Against Painful Experiments on Animals (Now called Animal Rights Sweden). The first research grants were awarded in 1971.

The Swedish Fund for Research without Animal Experiments was the first funding body in Sweden – and one of the first organisations in the world – to award grants specifically for the replacement and reduction of animal experimentation.

The Swedish Fund for Research without Animal Experiments is funded through gifts and legacies from the public. Every contribution is of great importance and gratefully acknowledged.

The Swedish Fund for Research without Animal Experiments is directed by a board consisting of eight members and three deputies. Scientific evaluations of applications for funding are carried out by a scientific committee, with the help of external experts.

Contact details

Forska Utan Djurförsök
Slottsbacken 8
SE-111 30 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8749 03 40
E-mail: info@forskautandjurforsok.se

Senast uppdaterad: 16 maj 2023